Changing the URL of your Coming Soon page

Occasionally, you may want to change the URL of your Coming Soon page. Most often, this is because you don’t like the /apps/ portion of the URL. Though this portion exists in part due to Shopify configuration requirements, this guide will walk you through how to change the URL to something more to your liking.

Your other options for alternative prefixes are: a, tools, and community.

Step 1: Adjust the URL in your Shopify settings

  1. Navigate to your store’s settings.

  2. Click into Apps and sales channels and then into View details from within the 3-dot menu for Coming Soon.

    Apps and sales channels settings

  3. Scroll to App Proxy and click Customize URL.

    Customize URL settings

  4. Use the dropdown to select your preferred URL prefix and edit the rest of the URL as needed.

    Select URL prefix

  5. Click Save.

Step 2: Add a metafield to your shop configuration

  1. Install a metafield app like Metafields Guru from the Shopify App Store.

  2. Navigate into the Shop resource.

    Shop resource

  3. Add a new metafield with the following settings:

    • Namespace: se_coming_soon
    • Key: proxy_url
    • Value: Match your new URL from Step 1 (MUST include the / at the beginning)

    Add metafield

  4. Click Save.