Reactivating after changing Shopify theme

Whenever you change your Shopify theme, you’ll need to reactivate the Coming Soon app, otherwise your customers will be able to bypass your under construction page.

To do this, simply deactive and then reactivate Coming Soon by following the steps below.

  1. Before changing your online store’s theme, deactivate the Coming Soon app.

    Image of the Coming Soon deactivate button

  2. Select and publish your online store’s new theme.

Image of publishing your online store’s Shopify theme

  1. Navigate back to the Coming Soon app and activate it.

Image of the Coming Soon activate button

Alternatively, if you changed your online store’s theme prior to deactivating Coming Soon, feel free to ignore Step 2. You need only deactivate and then reactivate Coming Soon by following Step 1 and Step 2.

As always, if you have any issues at all, please reach out to our support team directly at [email protected].